Articles shown below are available online (click on the title to be redirected); comprehensive listings are available in the following CVs:

Dixon, Levi, et al.

“Watch Out! Or do we? A Review of Literature on Human Locomotion, Visual Gaze, and Expectation of Trip Hazards.”

Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 2017

Gill, Rick, et al.,

“Integrating Cursor Control into the Computer Keyboard.”

Proceedings of the Human Factors Society Annual Meeting, 1991

Gill, Rick, et al.,

“Conceptual Graph Analysis: Knowledge Acquisition for Instructional System Design”

Human Factors, 1993

Gill, Rick, et al.,

“Human Factors and Engineering Design High School Summer Workshop.”

Proceedings of the Human Factors Society’s 34th Annual Meeting, 1990

Gill, Rick, et al.,

“A New Program for the Remote Training of Human Factors Professionals.”

Proceedings of the Human Factors Society’s 34th Annual Meeting, 1990

Gill, Rick, et al.,

“A Systems Engineering Based Methodology for Analyzing Human Electrocortical Responses.”

AFAMRL Technical Report, May 1987

Gill, Rick, et al.,

“A Comparative Evaluation of Warning Label Designs.”

Proceedings of the Human Factors Society’s 31st Annual Meeting, 1987

Gill, Rick, et al.,

“Steady State EEG as A Measure of Peripheral Light Loss.”

Proceedings of the Human Factors Society’s 30th Annual Meeting, 1986

Gill, Rick, et al.,

“The Effects of Acceleration Stress on Human Workload and Manual Control.”

Proceedings of the 21st Annual NASA Conference on Manual Control, 1985

Gill, Rick, et al.,

“Effects of Acceleration Stress on Human Workload.”

AFAMRL Technical Report, 1985

Gill, Rick, et al.,

“Operator Workload as a Function of the System State.”

Proceedings of the 18th Annual NASA Conference on Manual Control, 1982

Gill, Rick, et al.,

“Pseudo-Quickening: A New Display Technique for Manual Control of Higher Order Systems.”

Proceedings of the Human Factors Society’s 26th Annual Meeting, 1982

Gill, Rick, et al.,

“Locus of Stimulus to Visual Accommodation: Where in the World, or Where in the Eye?”

Human Factors, 1982

Gill, Rick, et al.,

“The Cognitive Demands of Second Order Manual Control: Applications of the Event-Related Brain Potential.”

Proceedings of the 17th Annual NASA Conference on Manual Control, 1981